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Our mission when we created Left Coast Lighting was to give you, our valuable customers a site that would fulfill all your aftermarket lighting needs. Our team of gear heads have been in the lighting business for many years and bring a wealth of experience that is only rivaled by the individual manufactures.

Our goal is to have anything you may possibly need for your install at Left Coast Lighting so you won't have to leave our site. Many sites sell lights but not many carry all the necessary accessories needed to make your DIY jobs easier. We will be offering the harnesses,adaptors and connectors needed for installation. Vehicle specific mounts always seem to be a difficult find. We are parting up with companies that specialize in hard to find parts.

Besides carrying popular lighing brands such as Diode Dynamics, Race Sport Lighting, Morimoto, and Cali Raised we will also carry accessories companies like sPod, Starkey Products and KDFabworks. New lighting technologies are always popping up so we are excited to be able to introduce Project X into our catelog of high preformance lights.

Don't think we only deal with cars and trucks. For our motorcycle riders we offer the entire line of Hogworkz motorcycle lighting, a well known and established player in the cruiser motorcycle segment. Industrial and work lights are a segment that gets left as an afterthought by many online retailers. We hope to end that by offering as many industrial grade lights as we can get our hands on. And last but not least, we will be offering Marine lighting for all our watersport enthusiasts.

We encourage you to take a deep dive into our site to see the many lighting options available. If you have any questions, you can email us, or call 866 512-8108. One of our representatives will get back to you promptly.